RIP Rush: And Now Time For An Obscene Profit Break
February 19, 2021 by
Advisor Wealth Mastery Team
Just a quick note to Say Rest-in-Peace RUSH.
So many things for the “Ditto Heads” to remember. I always chuckled at the “Obscene Profit Break” and “Talent on Loan from God”
There are so many things to learn from his career but, a big take away for me is that you don’t become the highest paid radio personality in history, or incredibly successful in any field – by being milquetoast.
In any given year either Howard Stern or Rush was the highest paid radio personality.
Both controversial.
Both with RABID fans.
Both with huge audiences that would listen for hours at time.
Rush was a large personality.
Loved by Millions. Hated by Millions.
Laughing as he lived in his multimillion dollar ($65,000,000) 34,000 square feet Palm Beach Home, jetted around on a $60,000,000 Gulf Stream G650 while helping elect President’s, push a conservative agenda, and make being a conservative fun.
If you wanted a great model of not doing what everyone else does. Of being a personality. Of entertaining your audience as FIRST priority, I can think of few that would be a better model.
He famously said his role was:
1. Entertainment;
2. Entertainment;
3. Entertainment.
And, among other things Rush’s show was an INCREDIBLY effective Direct Response Marketing Platform despite various efforts at boycotts and some periodic flareups of controversy the show found and kept VERY loyal advertisers for one and only one very important reason – it sold HUGE quantities of goods and services. At no time along the way did any of it make much of a dent in his audience or, his income.
Anyway, a great example of figure out the WHO. Who’s your audience. Be a character. Don’t be boring. Be willing to offend and even repel those who aren’t your target audience.
And above all be proud of what you do and be clear what you stand for without apology.