Client Communication During Covid

December 10, 2020 by

Advisor Wealth Mastery Team

As the covid-19 pandemic continues, in person meetings are still discouraged. Without the ability to meet face to face, strategic client communication is more important than ever. Virtual meetings are the best way to interact right now, but they lack the warmth of in person meetings. This won’t be an issue for some, but high touch clients may feel they’re not getting the level of service they had before. Prospects and new clients can also struggle with the lack of face to face meetings. It’s up to you to make sure that all of your clients receive the attention they need. 

Personalize it

Personalized service is part of a good client experience strategy, and it’s more critical now than ever. You can continue to send your usual mass emails, but you should focus on sending personalized messages. Let your clients know that you’re checking in, and feel free to mention anything relevant from previous discussions. You can also invite them to schedule time on your calendar. 

Check in with your low maintenance customers first since they’re the easiest to take care of. While they’re low maintenance, they’ll appreciate your outreach. It’s safe to expect that high touch, new, and prospective clients will require longer or more frequent conversations. Let them guide you on this one, and if necessary ask them how much contact they expect. Offering personalized service keeps your clients happy, and it encourages them to tell others about you.  

Keep it frequent

Things are as far from normal as we’ve ever seen them. It’s not the time to go silent on your clients. Clients may take their cues from you when it comes to communication. If you’re not reaching out enough, they may think it’s because you’re too busy or don’t care. High touch or low maintenance your goal is to make sure that clients know that you’re available whenever they need you.  

Stay honest

The economy took a major hit in the face of this pandemic. At the same time the stock market goes up and down like a roller coaster on a regular basis. Your clients need you to be honest with them. It’ll help keep them calm, and it will help them make good choices. No one has all the answers to any part of this right now, and you can’t be afraid to admit to that. Your more skittish clients may not like that answer, but most will see it as a sign of your trustworthiness. 

When you keep the lines of communication open, clients know that you’re available if they need you. In the face of this pandemic or any crisis it’s important that you make that clear. 

Effective and empathetic client communication is central to a successful practice. For free resources to improve your business acumen and grow your practice, fill out the form at

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