Why LinkedIn is More Useful Than You Think
December 11, 2020 by
Advisor Wealth Mastery Team
Professionals all over the world rely on LinkedIn to connect and interact with each other. The US alone has around 60 million LinkedIn users so it’s likely that you already have a profile. That profile has a lot more potential than you may think. Most people think LinkedIn is just for networking or finding a new job. The truth is that it’s more than just a place to socialize with colleagues. LinkedIn is the Swiss Army Knife of social media platforms—there’s not much that it can’t do.
The most obvious use for LinkedIn is as a professional profile. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is to treat your profile as just another resume. That treatment means that you’re missing out on a chance to introduce yourself to potential clients. With that in mind, it’s important to have a complete profile that includes a recent head shot or personality shot. A complete profile also has the benefit of better SEO. That makes it more likely to surface if potential clients search for you online.
Content Publication
LinkedIn gives you the option to write short posts, videos, or full articles. That makes it an excellent platform for sharing content with clients and potential clients alike. Content published on LinkedIn has an air of authority since the platform is for professionals. Other social media platforms don’t have that same impact when it comes to authority. If you have content on another platform, your profile includes space for listing external publications.
Marketing & Lead Generation
LinkedIn has a robust marketing system. It allows you to run ads, send sponsored messaging, and publish sponsored content. It’s a great way to market your practice and get results. According to Hubspot, LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation when compared to Facebook or Twitter. That success stems from the fact that it’s a dedicated platform. Because it’s a dedicated platform, users tend to be in a professional mindset when using it. Other social media platforms are less curated, so they have more distractions and content. The sheer volume of both can draw attention from your marketing efforts.
LinkedIn offers great ROI when you consider that most of the features are free to use. It’s worth it to consider adding the platform to your marketing plan.
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