Scary Bad at Effective Marketing Processes
October 29, 2021 by
Advisor Wealth Mastery Team
Maybe it’s just my “Outsider’s View,” but this industry is scary bad at understanding and implementing effective marketing processes.
Something I’ve noticed – and, perhaps it’s the “Outsider’s” view of this industry – is there are way too many Advisors who don’t think it’s necessary to really understand how to market their services.
A favorite Dan Kennedy quote is once you become a business owner or compensate purely on your results – then you are today and forever in the business of marketing your business.
I think it was Drucker who said the purpose of any business is to create and keep a customer.
It’s essential that you really understand “Modern” methods such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Pay-Per-Click, Google Local, Website SEO & Conversion – as well as tried and true elements such as Direct Mail, Live Meeting Marketing, etc.
Something that we’re doing A LOT is getting in front of other people’s clients – speaking at big events – host-parasite opportunities with associations, organizations, businesses that round up prospects that you’d love to have as clients.
I’d love to discuss that with you.
Do make sure you’ve received your Free package of practice growth materials that can be mailed to you. Give Mindi a call at: 1-303-808-8719 if you haven’t.
Stephen Oliver, MBA
P.S. There’s always a place to use agencies that manage Facebook & LinkedIn, to perhaps buy leads from someone else, or to run some of those “Plate Licker” meetings. However you’d better have a lot of ways to get new clients and a major focus on bringing in the right one by “fishing in the right pond.”