Lunch and Learn Ideas for Financial Advisors
November 16, 2020 by
Advisor Wealth Mastery Team
Lunch and Learn events are the perfect way for financial advisors to generate leads and reach prospects. In most cases, lunch and learn participants choose to attend your event so you know they’re interested in what you have to say. These events can last from 30 to 60 minutes so you should optimize your presentation for that time frame. A great presentation is engaging, informative, and leaves time for any questions your attendees may have. If you’re looking to host your own lunch and learn event, here are some ideas to get you started.
Webinars are a great way to host lunch and learn events. This is especially true when it’s not feasible to hold in person events. They’re also a way to test out the lunch and learn format without incurring the fees associated with an in person event. You may even find that you’re reaching more prospects than you would with a live event. Someone who’s tied to their desk and can’t get to a live event can tune in to a webinar. As far as costs go, you may need to invest in a high quality microphone or some lighting to ensure that your attendees have the best experience. Ultimately, the cost is minimal considering the possible return you’ll see on the investment.
Onsite Seminars
Onsite seminars may seem like an obvious idea if you want to reduce costs when hosting a lunch and learn. As obvious as the idea seems, there are niches where this kind of marketing event is your best option. Some companies provide lunch for their employees which makes it unlikely that they’ll venture out for an offsite event. Offer to host a lunch and learn for one of those companies, and you have a built in audience. For offices that don’t provide lunch, you’re giving employees the option to save time and eat where they are. In both cases, you have access to their existing space which removes the issue of finding a venue. A final and rather large plus is that offices come with ready-made mailing lists that you can leverage to some degree. The advantages here definitely outweigh the cost of providing lunch.
Learning happy hour
Many young professionals rely on happy hours to network and escape from the anxiety of demanding jobs. It makes sense to reach out to them by hosting a seminar that’s followed by a happy hour. The default for financial advisors tends to lean toward ignoring this particular group of prospective clients. Reasons such as “they aren’t serious” or “they’re not worth enough” are common. In reality many of these “kids” have just started to earn their six figure salaries, and some of them aren’t financially savvy. They don’t know how to manage that income and make it grow while balancing paying off student loan debt and other living expenses. Reach out to them before they make costly mistakes, and you’ll build a loyal customer. Sharing information is normal for this demographic so you may see an uptick in quality referrals.
Lunch and learn events aren’t new in the world of financial advising, but that doesn’t mean that they have to be boring. Hopefully, these 3 ideas will inspire you to host a lunch and learn of your own and diversify your marketing channels. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, schedule a free personal assessment.