Content Creation: Podcasting and YouTube
August 25, 2022 by
Advisor Wealth Mastery Team
Podcasting and YouTube
I’d recommend that you take a look at the various materials that I have online. Interestingly
Stephen (and, Steve) Oliver is fairly common but, google me (Stephen Oliver) with some
combination of Financial Advisor, Marketing, Coaching, and such (the Podcast is Stephen
Oliver’s Financial Advisor Marketing.) You’ll see a plethora of material. By the way add in
Martial Arts or similar and you’ll find a huge amount of content about or by me in that realm as
Now, search for Images. Then search for Videos. You find stuff literally EVERYWHERE.
YouTube videos, books listed for sale on Amazon, sometimes my stuff sold by others on Ebay,
Podcasts on all major directories, many pages of blogs, articles by me, articles about me,
director listings, Press Releases and more. That’s obviously intentionally. You can accomplish
the same with your practice.
Creating a “Personal Relationship.”
If you listen to podcasts or YouTube videos from a person, you start to feel a sense of their
personality and who they are. As such, if you ever get to meet them face-to-face, it already
feels as if you know them well. Audio/video is a much more human way of interacting with
someone, which becomes even more effective when that person is really engaging.
Too many people come across as stiff, overly professional, and closed off when they create their content. This can have the opposite effect as, when someone meets you in real life, they
will assume you are equally closed off. Sometimes, they may avoid you altogether because of
that. And they certainly won’t revisit your podcasts and YouTube videos if they do not feel
The key is to mix personal and professional. Talk about the kids, your dog(s), about a recent
vacation. Give your “origin story,” See any popular comic book character as an excellent
example. We all know for example Spiderman’s or Batman’s “origin story.” Create that
discussion about yourself. Talk about politics, religion and other controversial things if they
both fit into what makes you a unique individual and, to the degree that it helps attract the
“right fit clients,” and repel others.
Be yourself, but only a bigger version.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to follow a set formula with your content. There is no
one way to be engaging and appealing. When we talk about being engaging, we mean
showcasing your own individual personality, something that is unique to you. If you look at the
two top radio hosts in the last 20 years, it's Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh, and you can't get
much more polarizing than those guys. People who love them, love them and people who hate
them, hate them. Regardless they were the two highest paid radio personalities.
But creating your engaging audio and/or video content is only the first step. You could have the
best content in the world, but if you don’t use it effectively, it becomes useless. And there is
nothing more sad than great content going to waste when it could be used to boost your
business. With our content, we always host it on our website and then branch out from there.
Once the audio/video is up on the site, it then gets fed to the major podcast directories via RSS
feed. Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, IHeartRadio, Amazon and a bunch of others – all the big
services. See as an example: https://advisorwealthmastery.com/subscribe-to-podcasts/
What happens then is we want people to watch (or listen) to the podcasts. There are ways to
push these out to the public, your prospects and to your clients. That’s important because we
want listeners to boost your Google ranking. However, Google is also indexing these platforms,
and during this process Google knows that they are connected to the podcasts on your website.
This gives you authority in terms of Google. Essentially, Google thinks your website is more
important because you’ve got this podcast sitting on it that feeds out via RSS feed to all of the
major podcast directories.
Search Beyond Google
In addition to Google. prospective clients will be researching via Searching the various
directories. YouTube is the largest search engine for Entertainment and Education. Millions
search the major podcast directories daily for subject matter that’s of interest to them. It’s
important to set up each video and audio feed to be found easily with in search.
Now, go back to that list of keywords and “key word difficulty.” It’s a great way to generate
ideas for topics, titles, and focus of all of your materials. You could do a series of videos each
focusing on one of the questions suggested. Suddenly the individual podcasts, videos or blogs
become much more likely to be found.
If you are podcasting on a weekly basis, that already ticks a couple of boxes for Google. Not
only are you connected to known large platforms, but the content is also new and reoccurring.
Another important box to tick is the content subject itself. Is the content connected to your
niche and the people you want to attract?
To Consider
If you asked us a couple of years ago, podcasting would not have been that big of a deal.
However, it has come on leaps and bounds of late and it is something we really like at the
moment. It adds a lot of value to your business and it is easier to do that ever. With services like
Zoom, jumping on and recording for 30 minutes or an hour is now extremely easy. Wherever
you happen to be working from or doing meetings from, you can just log in, put a background
up, and talk about your niche in an engaging way.