Effective Referral Systems for Financial Advisors with Stephen Oliver
September 13, 2021 by
Advisor Wealth Mastery Team
Lee Milteer (00:00:00):
Hi, everybody. This is Lee Milteer, and I’d like to give you an introduction to one of my favorite people on earth, Mr. Steven Oliver, who is with the Advisor Marketing Podcast. Now, Stephen is a true maverick. And I mean that in every sense of the word, not only in our business, but I have to tell you, his clients universally love him. And they grow at rates that they wouldn’t believe it’s possible. Now on this podcast, in each episode, Steven is joined by various members of his team or special guests to share insider secrets to rapid growth and high net profits in your financial advisory practice. So I just want you to know you’re in for a wild ride, new information, and a lot of exciting new future because of Stephen Oliver.
Greg Moody (00:01:01):
Well, and to add on to what you’re saying, we’ve talked to in the last, even a couple of months, hundreds of advisors, and we keep getting asked the same question about marketing. What’s the one thing that we should do? Give us the one thing, what’s the one thing we should do? And unfortunately, in the industry, that’s what you’re getting fed a lot of. There’re people saying, here’s one thing you could do, here’s this Facebook marketing, or here’s this website, or here’s this business system we’ll sell you and then we’ll just drive leads to your door. And the reality of it is for healthy business, really in any industry, but particularly in this one, it doesn’t work that way. What you need is enough things going on that if one of them works great, maybe this month your pay-per-click advertising on driving traffic to your website works great, that’s great. But that may or may not stay consistent throughout the life of your business.
Greg Moody (00:01:52):
And we need to have enough things going on so that some things are going to be home runs, and some things might be base hits, maybe one month something won’t work, but you’ve got enough stuff happening that it’s always going to be productive and you’re always going to get for our clients a flood of good quality prospects into their business. And the quote that reminds me of is P.T. Barnum’s quote, the circus guy who said, “Only 20% of my marketing’s working. I just don’t know what 20% it is.”
Greg Moody (00:02:20):
And that’s something I always remember when we’re talking to people because almost always it’s an anemic marketing plan and anemic marketing in terms of what we’re doing that is killing people. And the worst thing they can have almost happened is they’re very successful, but with one marketing thing going on, and then ultimately that’s going to dry up. And we’ve got example, after example, after example in the last 30 years of things that were spectacularly successful, but then for one reason or another, they dried up. And if we think it’s not going to be that way in the future, it’s the opposite. It’s going to be great and then bad, then great and then bad. The cycle times on whether marketing works or doesn’t work is much shorter than it was back in the 90s and in the 80s when we were really starting out and doing this stuff. So, anyway, go ahead, Steve.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:03:15):
No, no, no, that’s good. And hopefully everybody can see the right screen this time. We’re not much for PowerPoint, death by PowerPoint, but in fact that was one of the Jeff Bezos internal things, is he banned PowerPoint presentations. What was the other, all meetings have to be a one [inaudible 00:03:35] which I thought was interesting. But if you take a look at this, the graphic on the top is the Parson on in Greece, or the more modern version [Toppy 00:03:43] in Nashville that we viewed back when you lived there, Mindi.
Mindi Godfrey (00:03:47):
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:03:48):
But I purchased a little breakdown sort of, of what you were just saying, Greg, is effective marketing for financial advisors, you have a bunch of stuff going on. I stole this, I freely admit from Jay Abraham, who I worked with a lot over the years. But you don’t want to rely on one or two things, you want to effective online presence, you want to have SEO going, pay-per-click, LinkedIn and Facebook, direct mail, referral systems, live meetings, host parasite opportunities. We can talk about that briefly, perhaps, publicity, creating authority through media, niche marketing via trade magazines, email lists, blogs, YouTube, and much, much more. It’s not a comprehensive list at all here so far, but that’s not the purpose of our conversation today.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:04:32):
As many of you know already, I see several of our clients on here as well, so welcome. I’ve worked a lot with Dan Kennedy over the years, very closely for about 20 years now. And he has a great story. Mindi, you probably saw this, but one of the industry gurus, Dan [Cuparo 00:04:51] sent out an email right after our register for a year, referral marketing seminar yesterday, but it was all about why basically referrals are bad and you shouldn’t be pastoring people and pursuing yourself interest. And it’s interesting because pretty much everything he said in the email I agree with, looking at it from a different angle, is Kennedy talks about becoming a welcome guest versus an annoying pest.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:05:21):
And his story about that is, and Greg, you remember this because it’s there in Phoenix, his story about this is he’s home alone at his home in Phoenix, and he’s working hard and he’s, I don’t know, writing a book or on the phone or something. I forget exactly how it was embellished. But somebody is knocking at the door, and he just ignores it. He’s annoyed, I don’t want anybody knocking at the door while I’m busy working right now, and then they’re knocking more incessantly and he ignores them and then they’re knocking even more incessantly. And then a few minutes later, they crawl over his fence and they’re knocking at the back door, the sliding glass door. Now he’s really annoyed. And he opens the door and the person at the door is saying, your backyard is on fire.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:06:05):
Well, the premise of that poorly told version of Dan’s story is the person went from an annoying pest to a welcome guest in about 32 seconds, once he realized the purpose of the person knocking on the door. And that’s exactly what you have to think about with referral marketing, business to business marketing, working through organizations and so forth. If you’re out there and you’re saying, Hey, I’m pitching annuities, I’m pitching life insurance, and you should read around me a bunch of people that I can sell that to, well, you’re now always going to be an annoying pest and nobody wants to hear about another life insurance pitch.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:06:47):
But, if you create a very high level of authority and a very high level of value in your expertise, you’re sharing any information that’s truly valuable. You’re showing your clients various ways that you can help them, that they never envisioned or thought about. If you’re showing them various ways that you can help their friends and associates, that’s the way you shift yourself from annoying pest to welcome guests. And that’s why the way that most marketing does, I want to share a Wall Street Journal article in a second, but most of you probably saw it, I would hope so. But the other quote here that Kennedy has, there’s another one by Earl Nightingale, I’ll share it in a minute. But Earl’s is basically, if you don’t have a good model for success, look around at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite. And if there was ever an industry where that’s true is this one, it’s just the amazing what blinders and limited thinking there are in this industry.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:07:44):
But Kennedy’s quote is that, almost all businesses, almost all niches industry, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the guy who runs the dry cleaner down the street, in our case, martial arts schools of all things or financial advisors is mostly what they do, is they look around at what everybody else is doing and do that. And again, that’s the opposite of the Earl Nightingale’s quote. If you don’t have a good model for success, luckily we do have one that we’ll share with you, but if you don’t have a good model for success, look around at what everybody else is doing and be different, be the opposite, in investment terms be a contrarian for God’s sake. But the last thing you want to do is look around at what everybody else is doing and do what they’re doing.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:08:26):
But these are a few of the referral systems we’ll try to get around to. But when we talk about systems, we’re not talking about every time, client me bugging for three names, that annoying pest deal. What we are talking about is having various systems that work effectively and are going to make things more effective for you. And we’ll come back to on every one of these. But let me quickly share that Wall Street Journal article. Go ahead, Greg.
Greg Moody (00:08:55):
While you’re doing that, I was going to follow up with the, we hear a lot of people trying to build their circle of influence and getting accountants or other people to refer to them. And if you think that that sounded like an annoying pest, the way we presented it, if you were bugging your clients, imagine how it’s going to sound if the accountant that you’re trying to work with to refer business to you does it. They’re probably going to be one step worse than you. They’re not going to be one step better. And typically that’s a very low level of productivity. It’s something you should do, but we’ve got some ways you can suit that up and make it work a lot better.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:09:27):
Oh yeah, absolutely. But here’s the article, if you missed it, it was on the cover of the second section. I remind myself what that’s called, business and finance section Tuesday, May 25th. And if you don’t pay attention to all of the industry media, and I certainly would consider this is not advisor trade magazine, but it certainly is industry media. You really should be paying attention. I don’t know how many magazines and newspapers I subscribe to, but it’s a ton of them. But this was a really interesting article and it ties with a really interesting study. I saw Michael [Kitche’s 00:10:09], his website log, one thing or another contracted that we looked at recently. But let me point out a couple of things that I thought was really interesting. The headline is Merill Bans Trainee’s Cold Calls.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:10:23):
Well, okay. One is, if that’s your primary marketing strategy is to basically pull out whatever the modern day equivalent of the white pages is and start cold calling. The article appropriately acknowledges that they were getting a 2% rate of people answering the phone when they were cold calling. And basically, if you’re cold calling to people who have no idea who you are, are you an annoying pest or you’re a welcome guest? Well, obviously you’re an annoying pest. And in fact, iPhone really did me a service and all of us, not a great service for those doing outbound cold calls, but my phone doesn’t even ring if it’s somebody who’s not in my contact record, which is why we work on getting a vCard AKA contact record and everybody’s phone that we come in contact with.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:11:19):
But one thing it says, which is something I’ve been saying forever and it’s not like it was a great insight. One thing this article says is that their failure rate in their trainee program was incredibly high. And the other thing that it says, is that the vast majority of trainees who were successful were people who came into Merrill already with a big circle of friends and associates, that they were going to pitch all of their friends.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:11:50):
Now, what that reminds me of, if you’re not familiar, the door-to-door vacuum companies, the guys were selling whatever the brands were door-to-door or Hoover or whatever. What they would do is they would run cattle call ads, meaning whole bunch of people show up at one time for an interview. Basically they would tell everybody, here’s what we do. We sell back and cleaners door-to-door, we sell for $800 and you get $300 or whatever it might be. And they put a vacuum in their hand and basically go send them home to pitch their mom and their aunt and their uncle and their next door neighbor. And 99% of the people who would, huge percentage wouldn’t participate at all, but 99% of those who took them up on it would go sell mom, dad, sister, brother, next door neighbor, bug everybody who was in their immediate family and circle of friends, and then they’re done, because they never managed to go stick their foot in the door from somebody they didn’t know and deal with that.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:12:53):
But the other thing that they said is that they’re shifting them to cold contacts on LinkedIn rather than cold contacts on outbound phone calls. Well, I have nothing against sitting somebody down at the phone and saying, you have to make 1000 phone calls a week, but if it were me right now, opening a new practice or if it was me right now with a $1.5, $2 million a year practice, that’s the last thing I would do, is try to do cold contacts. I don’t know about you is, Mindi, how many people contact you on Messenger and LinkedIn every day? I probably get 40 now and I look at none of them. In fact, every now and then I have a friend who happens to contact me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger, or any of the other crap, and occasionally I see it, but it’s certainly not something that’s likely to be more effective for me than anything else.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:14:00):
And it’s, again, looking endemically through the industry, I’m intimately familiar with Northwestern Mutual, a number of marketing tools that they have available are just pathetic, but apparently Merrill’s are too, even with the Bank of America umbrella and all of the client customers that they have. So it’s why we have to shift and recognize, and the best thing I ever did in any of the businesses that I own, going back to the martial arts schools is 85% or 90% of the marketing things that I did very successfully, always came from outside my industry. They always came from outside of whatever I was currently doing, because again, that marketing incest AKA, if you don’t have a good idea of what to, look around at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite, is almost everything I ever did successfully came from outside of what I was doing specifically and everybody else in the industry.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:15:04):
And by the way, by definition, what the average person in your industry, in any industry is doing is by definition mediocre, where hopefully you want to be, or you probably wouldn’t be here today, is you want to be in the top 1% worst case and the top 10%. You don’t want to be doing what the average person is doing, because the average person is by definition the mediocre majority. Anything to add to that Mindi or Greg before we move on into our primary topic?
Greg Moody (00:15:34):
Yeah. It’s critical that you are different from everybody else. It’s not just what you said, that you’re doing the marketing different that you have, and what we’re trying to work with our clients on, is making sure that they, as a practice end up looking differently, because there’s too many equivalent looking choices to your clients. Everybody’s going to say they’re going to make a more on their investments, are going to save more on their taxes, or they’re going to do, there’s just an inordinate amount of people saying that. So it’s hard to compete just on, I do it better than the other guys, because that’s when everybody else is saying. That’s one reason it’s important to actually be different in addition to do marketing that’s not just the same as everybody else’s because then you’re hitting more pieces of the Parthenon so that Parthenon having 15, 20 things going on every month, which is kind of a good baseline to think about is what’s critical. And then the way you come across can’t be like everybody else, otherwise you’ll be everybody else and you’ll randomly get picked.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:16:38):
Yeah, that’s absolutely right. And by the way, that report that I referenced earlier, one of the things that it said is that the average advisor in this industry is spending 3% of their gross revenue on marketing, which we’re always focusing on the businesses we work with as the predominant measure being return on investment. A return on investment is measured by lifetime value, but oftentimes I chunk that down to what’s the client going to be worth in a year, 18 months and maybe 24 months, and always looking at return on investment. But I’ve got to tell you, building a business once you’re past a certain threshold on 3% of the gross revenue of marketing is just pathetically low. And it leaves an incredible amount of money on the table. And it ends up with blinders on, where so many advisors we talked to are trying to figure out all the stuff that’s free and cheap. And it’s the wrong question to ask.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:17:42):
And you guys know on the investment side, if I can have somebody invest a dollar and get back $10 in 12 months while we do that all day long, and somehow advisers missed that the way they invest in their business is exactly the same way you would have a client invest. And of course there’s a risk level to any and all those things, but it’s just pathetic to not be focused on return on investment and not be willing to invest in your growth. But let’s go back to, I’m going to share this screen again if I accomplish that successfully twice in a row, it will be a miracle. Here we go, at work.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:18:21):
But as we look at this breakdown is, let’s talk about, and this is five out of a arguably 10 or 15 things you could do just on the referral side. But I start with, this and going back to that Wall Street Journal article yesterday, if you bring a new person in and you tell them that all of their marketing is going to be through referrals, well, if you don’t have any clients, how do you have anybody to refer you? And that becomes back to the idea of vacuum cleaner guy going door-to-door is it comes back to pitching mom and pitching your frat buddies or pitching your bowling league or whatever it might be, which is not a very effective and successful way to build a business.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:19:05):
I always look at, for any of the practices that we work with, is arguably critical [inaudible 00:19:12] where you can really start getting referrals to kick in effectively. And my rule of thumb has always been about 100 clients. Now, you probably can get some roll traffic if you have maybe 50 clients, but if you’ve got a handful of clients, in most cases, you’re not going to get very much momentum going on referrals, or at least maybe to clarify that you’re not going to get enough individual new clients from the existing clients in order to have any kind of accelerated growth pattern. That’s where you need to have lots and lots and lots of other marketing out there.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:19:49):
There are some exceptions to that, and we’ll talk about that as we go, but let’s talk about, kind of number one on my list here of referral systems. And this is where Mindi and Greg you have a lot of expertise, I have a bit, is on having a book and, or a, well, for instance, let’s say you did a book with 15 chapters. Each of the chapters can become a pass along report freestanding individually. And then you have the book, I’ve worked with advisors where we actually have them doing a new book every quarter on different, slightly different or completely different subjects. And Greg, you have the Amazon, the average book size is what’d you say, 30, 40 pages.
Greg Moody (00:20:36):
20 to 30 pages is the average number, most sold books on Amazon are 20 to 30 pages. And it doesn’t mean that the guy’s rich being authors or writing 20 to 30 page books, but the purpose of those books is different for you. The purpose is to help your marketing. So it’s not about you being a best-selling author, or you can create that, you can do some things to create that, it’s about this being a massive tool for your business.
Greg Moody (00:21:06):
The other thing about pass along authority is white papers and the other pieces you can deconstruct out of the book are important. But if you look at the general population, 1% of the population has a PhD, approximately 0.2% have written a book. So you’re putting yourself in even a higher stratosphere in some ways than somebody who has a lot more education than the average person, or than a PhD even.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:21:37):
Lee Milteer (00:21:39):
It’s Lee Milteer, and I’m delighted to interrupt you today, and let you know that I’ve been working with Steven Oliver for 10 or 15 years now. He’s a great guy. I love all the research that he does. And I just wanted to let you know that if you’re enjoying the content on this podcast, then you really want to make time to visit adviserwealthmastery.com. And why should you do that? Well, because you’re going to receive two of his great books, and actually one of mine called Successes Is an Inside Job. You’ll also get a lot of absolutely free material on growing your practice through effective marketing. So again, take the time to go to advisorwealthmastery.com
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:22:27):
And from a referral standpoint, because that’s our topic today, is the way that you generate client referrals is, and I heard somebody parrot the old insurance deal, which just makes me a little nauseous, is Ms. Prospect, I get paid or Mrs. Client, I get paid in two ways. I get paid with the commissions you pay and I also get paid with you sending me additional clients. Well, that’s very, one, it’s centered on you. It’s not centered on the client. Two, it’s not terribly meaningful. And three, it’s kind of stupid and cheesy. But where you generate client referrals from a standpoint of your client is telling their friends about you and about the value that you hold is when you’re creating real, additional value, not only for the client, but for the friends that they’re passing along information to.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:23:22):
So, if I have a free-standing reports, I’m planning for college expenses and the 10 things you should know about brands, loans tax consequences and saving for, I’m creating a financial savings programs, if I had that report and it’s substantive, which I’m hoping it would be is, if every client had got five or 10 of those in the mail and said, I know what we’ve talked, and this is something that you’re focused on or I know that we’ve talked and it’s not on your radar right now, but you might have some friends and acquaintances that it is, I thought I’d pass along this. We just created this new report on this subject. I thought it might be a value.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:24:05):
Well, that’s having a pass along item of value, which could be tied to a live meeting. We’ll talk about that as well, but it could be tied to a live meeting in your conference room, a live meeting in a hotel or a live meeting at a restaurant, an interactive zoom meeting, like we’re doing a webinar, any number of ways where the report could be tied to a live meeting, the report can be tied with a bounce back to drive that person back in, the report could be tied to a communication mechanism with the client of who they’ve passed it along to perhaps, but it is creating value and it’s sharing credible, real information, information that would be valuable regardless of whether they become a client of yours.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:24:53):
So, that’s one of the things that you want to be looking at with your clients is it’s the way that you’re a welcome guest. It’s a way that you’re sharing value for them and their clients. And see, to me, the two things that I don’t want to be doing is I don’t want to be bugging my clients for what three people should I go pitch today. So when I’m asking for direct referrals, I want to be pretty articulate in providing value for their friends and for their associates, but on the other side, what I want to do is I want to create an incredible position of authority for myself, I want to create a high level of perceived value in what I do, and I want to create tools, education, events, books, reports, white papers, or whatever you want to phrase it, that I can pass along to clients who can pass along to their friends. And obviously there’s a ton of other ways to use that. What would you add to that Greg or Mindi?
Greg Moody (00:25:54):
Well, what I would also mention is to do these books, that might seem to some people we talked to, they’re saying, well, I’ve been trying to write a book. I’ve been doing that for the last five years. And that’s because we haven’t helped them with the process. This is something that can be done in 60 days easily. 80% of business books or books written by business owners, whether they’re of business or personal stuff, but 80% of books on Amazon that are from business owners are ghost written. So we can start with seed material that you have and then do something or recommend some companies that will turn that into something that is going to be a big piece. And that’s just one piece of the marketing, but it builds authority and it becomes a useful tool as well for referrals. So if you want to do a lot of referral business, this to me is a no brainer, you got to do this.
Mindi Godfrey (00:26:45):
Well, I think something to do is not to overthink this process. You’re already an expert on these topics that you’re going to be talking to people about. So it’s really just a matter of actually taking the time to sit down and get it out on paper. You’re not writing the great American novel, this should be a pretty straightforward process. Again, as Greg said, that’s something that we can help you with. It’s also not a thing to get hung up on as far as wordsmithing issue go, just get it down on paper and then you can hire the people to clean it up, make it look pretty, make it sound proper as far as grammar, spelling, syntax, all those things, and then you’re ready to go pretty quickly.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:27:28):
Well, and I might maybe expand on that, Mindi, is that pretty much anyone who is already fairly successful as a financial advisor, life insurance salesman, annuity salesman, whatever particular category, [inaudible 00:27:44] yourself in high high-end wealth manager is, you’re probably pretty good at face-to-face communications with your clients. You’re really good at explaining your products, explaining the value of different strategies and approaches. And I usually start with clients of, let’s do a Zoom meeting or let’s get out a video or a camera or get out your iPhone and record and unless just, if nothing else, have a blow up or a cutout person on the other side and explain it to them, or put a friend on a Zoom meeting and record it.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:28:22):
I mentioned Peter, I’ve been working with now for 20 years, but that’s how I got him started on this stuff, is okay, Peter, at noon, we’re going to do a one hour recording, show up, here’s a list of questions. And then we record it, then we can get it transcribed. We can get the transcript cleaned up. That gives us a lot of content to begin with. Now we’ve got a video and audio transcript, and then we can hand that off to, like you were saying, Greg, a ghostwriter who can turn a one-hour transcript into what a couple thousand page report or more, if if they’re going to embellish it. So all of a sudden, it’s, it’s a one hour process that can then be handed off to other people.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:29:02):
And so it’s in your voice, it’s your explanation, and you don’t have to get all hung up on the details, but she wants you to have that. Now I’ve got all kinds of tools. I’ve got a video that I can share with all my clients, with an invitation to pass it along to their friends. I’ve got an audio. I could send them a CD. I can send them, we have those business cards where you can burn video and audio. I could pass those along. I can pass along links to MP3s. I could pass it along as a podcast. I can do all kinds of stuff with that content. And again, Mindi, wouldn’t you say that’s where a lot of people get hung up and they say, oh my goodness, I’m not good at writing. Well, okay, but you are already good at talking to people. Okay. Well, just talk it.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:29:46):
I’ve seen people who’ve written 20 books with the little, a handheld digital recorder, or now the app on your iPhone in their car. But I like video, so I’ll plug somebody in on video. Mindi, you’ve done these a bunch of times and Greg with me, is it’s just to have somebody to bounce it off of and then I can just talk about a subject I already know, probably starting with an outline, and then just go for it. And all of a sudden you’ve got all of those pieces put together.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:30:18):
Mindy, let’s, I want to get everybody a couple of examples, but let’s take a paramedical break here. And anybody having any questions, and I invite you to turn your video camera on. Marcos, great to see your lovely face there, but everybody feel free to turn your video on and jump in, but any questions at all about anything we’ve covered or anything we haven’t covered so far, we’ve got a lot more to cover, but I wanted to make sure we just don’t bulldoze over any and all questions. Okay. I guess not.
Greg Moody (00:30:55):
I guess not. We’re covering it so thoroughly. But really people think about, write some stuff down as we’re talking in terms of how you’re generating referrals. What you need to do to get more, because we want you to leave this with some real things you can do and some actions you can take to get more business.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:31:12):
Yeah. So I’ll interrupt, and I don’t know if everybody on the meeting has gotten this, Mindi, but we have a great packet of very valuable information. Here’s what it looks like more or less. There’s what, three books say really interesting series of videos. And this is one way you can burn and share DVD, CD content nowadays. That’s burned on a USB that looks like a key. You can also do business cards, you can do all kinds of things. I’ve got some that I’ve used that looked like a Porsche key more or less. Yeah, there you go. There’s the-
Mindi Godfrey (00:31:53):
[crosstalk 00:31:53] The business card.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:31:54):
The business card that’s also a USB drive. But if you haven’t gotten this, give Mindi a call, number is 303-808-8719, 303-808-8719. We’ll send it all to you for free, no obligation, no sales pitch. And the other thing that we’ll do, which is more valuable is we’ll follow up from this meeting with a couple of or probably three one-on-one sessions with Mindi, Greg, and myself to give you some ideas and build off your unique situation, both your background, who your clients are, what your interest is and help you leapfrog from there.
Greg Moody (00:32:35):
Yeah, maybe put the number in her name section to be able to see it, and you can give her a call now during the real quick, because I know we’re pretty booked up the next couple of weeks, so we want to get everybody in before the summer gets going.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:32:48):
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. But we’ll send all that to you for free, no cost, no obligation, it’s two books by myself, one by our associate Lee Milteer, who’s one of the top level success development experts. And again, to step back for a second, the biggest advantage I think that all three of us and the rest of our team have is by looking at this industry from the outside now, by all rights, I should have ended up in the life insurance business. I grew up, my father was the vice-president of a life insurance company. I grew up around that. My uncle owned a State Farm agency in Arkansas. My other uncle owned a Prudential agency in Oklahoma and I thought destined for Wall Street and fate intervened early on.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:33:38):
But as I dip my toe back in this industry, again, like 20 years ago, but full bore in the last couple of years is it just shocks me that an industry with so much money flowing through, so much opportunity and so many otherwise smart people just are completely clueless about marketing. But I will tell you, top level attorneys, I’ve worked with attorneys that graduated from Harvard, Yale, and Georgetown, where I went to school, and they’re clueless about marketing. I worked with some of the top coaches that do, R. Jon Robbins and Bill Glass and others who work with attorneys, attorneys have no idea how to market their business, martial arts schools have no idea how to market their business. Most people start in a niche by being a technician.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:34:28):
In fact, if you haven’t read the great book by Gerber, E-Myth, you really should, but what he says is almost all businesses are started by a technician who one day had an entrepreneurial seizure. And I think an awful lot of advisors were really kind of fascinated with planning or insurance or the numbers and one thing or another, and probably no different than say a CPA, is they didn’t realize they were forever in a day, now getting the business the marketing their service, not just in the business of providing them service. And so then what happens is oftentimes they have a pretty good growth curve. If you’ve been in the business for a while, you probably had a decent growth curve, but then your income plateaus, because you don’t have the skillset and the knowledge base to continue the marketing, to continue to grow. And in most cases, it all completely dependent upon your labor, not other tools, systems, and one thing or another.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:35:22):
Let me give you an example though, going back to my little checklist. I won’t put it back on the screen right now, but one of the referral solutions that I always look at is making sure that I really know everything about my clients. One of the clients I work with, he’s got his assistant now, goes to his client or prospective client’s LinkedIn profile, and gives him a little synopsis as reminder, they work here, here’s who they’re connected with, here’s organizations they’re involved with, here’s the company that they’re CEO of, or that they’re regional marketing director of, here’s some of the key contacts. Gives them a little synopsis before he talks to everybody about that.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:36:09):
And certainly that’s good from a standpoint of, and this was stolen from Tom Hopkins years ago, but he has a technique he calls isolating faces. So you’re talking to somebody, you’re asking for a referral, is one thing if I just say, Hey, who do you know that has some value of my services? Oftentimes people kind of draw a blank or they’re not very effective, but if you say I noticed that you’re actively engaged in The Porsche Club of America and so am I, am very engaged with that, but who do you know from that club, who do you know from the Track Day events and one thing or another that might have some needs. Well, now it narrows it down. And I noticed that your CFO at XYZ printing, who else do you know at your level that might be a value?
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:37:00):
And by the way, did you know that one of the things we’ve done a lot of is a lot of stuff with company executives and company employees doing financial education at various levels. In fact, here’s some of the different presentations and seminars that we’ve done for other similar sized companies over the years, maybe that would be something that’s a value added for your employees. Again, not a sales pitch, just something that we could share. Here’s an example of that, is last, what was it, Greg, last Sunday?
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:37:30):
So a week ago, we did a similar thing where we went in and did a presentation to an organization’s clients. And I don’t know if you can see that, but that’s a permission slip. And so basically what they gave us is name, phone number, email address, mailing address, a little checkbox of areas of interest, a check box of, yes, I’d like to talk to you and get some feedback, mobile phone number and best time to call them. And so we collected, what was it, Mindi, I said the other day, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Mindi Godfrey (00:38:08):
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:38:09):
How many?
Mindi Godfrey (00:38:10):
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:38:11):
- 19 very interested prospects were immediate follow-Up, all of whom said, yes, I’d like to talk to you personally about these particular needs from one day. And in fact it was from 90 minutes. So, there’s a lot of opportunities to do that. In this case, it’s what I’m talking about, which was a company bringing people in. And in this case it was a client meeting. So bringing in clients, and in this case, all their clients were business owners with businesses that range from about half a million to $2 million a year in revenue with a business niche that runs 35 to 50% to the bottom line. And so it was a very qualified group of people. And again, it was a 90 minute presentation organized through a company that was having a client meeting already, so it was a presentation to a client meeting.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:39:05):
And in this case, I believe it was to 45 people of which 19 of them immediately had questions and filled out what we’d call an information sheet or a permission slip and a request for a meeting. So there’s all kinds of stuff that you can do like that with your existing client base, but it doesn’t happen if all you do is you pass to your clients and, Hey, who do you know that might be valuable that might want my services? Who do you know that I could pitch to? Well, that’s not what anybody’s interested in. But if I’m a business owner, I’m very interested in a financial literacy program for my employees. I’m very interested in executive deferred compensation plan for my executives. I’m very interested in bringing together my top people to share some ideas and ways to develop from there. So there’re all kinds of opportunities.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:40:01):
And again, this is where you get powerful referral systems, not just maybe I got a small base of clients to begin with and I’m pastoring them all for who can you send me, but I’m creating authority. I’m creating pass along tools. I’m creating educational events. I’m really finding out who and what they are, presenting training opportunities and learning opportunities for their employees, their associates, their clients, all of that is extremely valuable. What would you add to that, Greg?
Greg Moody (00:40:29):
Well, [inaudible 00:40:30] even medium to larger companies would love to have a financial literacy program for their employees. And then you could do the same thing in that process. We work with Peter. He had the potential to get 100 prospects from that. Some of those won’t be in his clientele because, or in his target market, because we’ve gotten him to the point, like a top 0.1% at Northwest Mutual. So he practices with higher income clients, but you could still use those leads and filter them out. And I’m sure he’s got a lot of them that are going to be right up his alley and would like to change.
Greg Moody (00:41:12):
I don’t know if you mentioned this statistic about what percentage of people are looking for a new advisor?
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:41:19):
Oh my goodness. Yeah, that was a research. In fact, it was Northwest Mutual’s internal thing. I forget what the number was. It was [inaudible 00:41:30] something like 50%.
Greg Moody (00:41:31):
60% of people that have an investment advisor are unhappy with them.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:41:37):
Unimpressed, yeah.
Greg Moody (00:41:38):
Yeah. Half of those, so about 30% are actively looking for somebody new. So if you’re in a room of 100 people, you got 60 of them that are likely to be interested in what you’re talking about. And if you’re an authority, because you’re helping that company. And again, this can be a pretty large company. We have people that do this at 1000 person, 1000 employee companies. We have people do presentations at big, large corporations. Motorola in Phoenix when it was really big and GE, a lot of it companies. So that’s an added value that companies are looking for. And that might be something that would be very productive for almost any of you.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:42:20):
Well, as an example, with my own businesses, I ended up finding out that I had one client who was the human resource director for a US West, which at the time was the largest employer in Colorado. Let’s see, it says become century link and headquartered somewhere else. But they, at the time had 45,000 employees and mostly in the Denver metropolitan area. Well, once I figured out we had a C-level executive who was in charge of human resources, we ended up spinning that into every time they had a live event. We were there. We were able to do presentations to their executives. We were able to do payroll stuffers. We were able to do just a huge number of things. We ended up with the same thing with CORES, working with their executives and with their employees, turned out that I ended up as a client, the CFO of the Denver Broncos and the marketing director for the Denver Nuggets, which the Nuggets is our professional basketball team and the Broncos are our pro football team.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:43:24):
And that led to relationship with pro players, with retired players, with executives, one thing or another. And off a lot of those relationships ended up with things that we could do directly to their clientele. We did a promotion with Ultimate Electronics, which was a $780 million a year electronics chain. And I had enrolled the, had as a client, the president of the organization, and ended up with their marketing director, ended up with our chief operations officer, and then ended up doing things that filtered all the way down to their employee base. And by the way, this was a very high end electronics chain before they got Amazon.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:44:06):
So there’re all kinds of things you can do. And I’ve got to tell you, most of the time I talked to advisors and say, we tend to start with, well, who are your current clients? Where did they come from? And what do they do? And I got to tell you that doesn’t take long before a lot of people just don’t know that much about them, what their background is, what their employment history is, one thing or another. You would think you would have more information other than just how much they have in their IRA or 401k, and what their life insurance needs are, but you start asking more and more questions about your current clientele, and then that creates incredible opportunity. So it creates an-
Lee Milteer (00:44:45):
[crosstalk 00:44:45] It’s Lee Milteer, and I’m delighted to interrupt you today and let you know that I’ve been working with Steven Oliver for 10 or 15 years now. He’s a great guy. I love all the research that he does. And I just wanted to let you know that if you’re enjoying the content on this podcast, then you really want to make time to visit advisorwealthmastery.com. And why should you do that? Well, because you’re going to receive two of his great books and actually one of mine called Success Is an Inside Job. You’ll also get a lot of absolutely free material on growing your practice through effective marketing. So again, take the time to go to advisorwealthmastery.com.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:45:30):
Another advisor I was working with, he had, what was the company, Mindi? High-end Electronic or tech company.
Mindi Godfrey (00:45:46):
[inaudible 00:45:46] Qualcomm.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:45:45):
Qualcomm, but he already had several high-level executives in Qualcomm. Well, okay. Well, what are you doing with Qualcomm? Well, I’ve got three executives. Okay. Well, but what are you doing with them? Well, what do you mean? Well, okay, well, they have how many employees in your city? How many employees they have nationally? What would be the needs that they have for their employees? They have employee retention needs, there are areas you can fill there. They want to create education value outside of just the corporate stuff. What can you create there?
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:46:18):
I have a another friend who was working with interestingly high-level companies that work in a Korean company. So he was working with human resources in Hyundai and Kia. And we ended up shipping that up where he was the guy working with all the C-suite executives for Hyundai, Kia and then a whole bunch of other similar companies. Well, that all of a sudden positioned yourself in a much different position with that company. And it’s the ultimate way to create a really incredible referral network is you get those other associates, you work through their business operation, and they perceive it all as high value. So you’re not again, in that annoying pest category, you’re in that a welcome guest situation.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:47:06):
Mindi, you had our calendar pretty filled up. Anybody who does not yet have an appointment we could go ahead and set a time now quickly before we hit the rest of our agenda for the day. Who do we already have an appointment with, or maybe a better question is, who would you prefer to talk to?
Mindi Godfrey (00:47:29):
Yeah, let’s see. Right now it looks like everyone’s still on the call is new to us and doesn’t have an appointment yet.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:47:41):
Oh, okay. So we would be happy to go ahead and schedule that now. Looks like we lost Marco for a second, but-
Greg Moody (00:47:52):
[crosstalk 00:47:52] We just need to get your address so we can send you the box and we can make sure that you get all the stuff that could change your practice today.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:48:04):
Yeah. We’re going to send you a very valuable, free gift of again, the books, reports, videos, and so forth. There’s no obligation for that. Again, Mindi’s phone number is 303-808-8719. And anybody who would like to go on camera and ask any questions, feel free to do that at any time. And we’d be happy to go ahead and set a time now as well if you would like. Greg, why don’t we go back to our little outline a little bit and do a little bit more content, and anybody who has any questions you’re welcome to jump in.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:48:41):
So let’s see if I can get this to happen effectively again. There we go. So, we’ve hit some of these briefly, but an incredible way to create really strong client relationships, but also to create opportunities for them to bring their friends in is to have client appreciation events, educational events, various opportunities. One of the clients I work with, they had a client appreciation at a local winery. They’re out there not far from Napa Valley in San Francisco. Another one had a client appreciation event at an art gallery. In both cases, that was both a client appreciation event, but they were invited to bring a friend or bring a couple of friends who had some interest in their topic. And they worked on a particular topic of interest. It doesn’t have to be something that costs money or is very elaborate, it can be you have a once a week or once a month a little meeting in your conference room at your office, or you have a meeting at a hotel conference room or a hotel boardroom, or one thing or another on various topics.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:49:59):
It’s very important to narrow it down. Don’t be, come learn about life insurance, come learn about financial planning. It’s got to be a planning now for the escalating cost of college and ways that you can be prepared and to afford whatever college your child gets accepted to, as an example. And then you have a meeting where you perhaps send out a report to all of your clients that they can pass along, send an invitation to all of your clients to attend, send an invitation for them to all to bring their friends.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:50:33):
And as an additional point here, we haven’t talked about it much, but once you get somebody in your pipeline and once you have a client, one of the worst things I see is that people will make a sale, and then instead of prospecting for somebody to create a long-term client and a longterm relationship, oftentimes they sell them an annuity, Selma life policy, and that’s kind of the max of their relationship. What we always do is we develop an outreach and a contact system where physically we’re reaching out perhaps 26 or more times a year. And I mean, direct mail, packages, gifting, and so forth. In addition to that, by email. I’ve been telling people the long… Go ahead.
Greg Moody (00:51:22):
Yeah, I was going to just throw in there a couple of things, that a lot of time we keep hearing people say, well, direct mail doesn’t work. This is specifically, especially for referrals where it works fantastically. And the more people, it’s kind of the same idea we talked about in terms of people should be a little bit counterintuitive, but you keep hearing things like, snail mail is a derogatory term, direct mail. It absolutely works like gangbusters, if you do it right.
Greg Moody (00:51:49):
The same for client events. Some of you guys might be thinking, well, I already do client events and they do okay or whatever. We’re trying to get you a 10 times or 100 times return on those events than what you’re doing now, based on doing all the other pieces around it. So it’s not extra work, it’s just there’re some tweaks that people are really doing poorly. Like they do an event like that and they just hand out their information, their business card or something. Okay. Well, that’s probably not going to do anything, whereas you saw with the one event and-
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:52:23):
[crosstalk 00:52:23] Yeah, you get information, you make an appointment on the spot, you follow up, but-
Greg Moody (00:52:31):
[crosstalk 00:52:31] Well, [inaudible 00:52:33], it’s not just information, we want them to actually set appointments right there. So while you’re having a human interaction, you can have the human interaction of completing the appointment, which is where the ball gets dropped all the time. Well, I’ve got 50 leads or 100 leads, well, how many actual appoints you may have any clients to get from that poll? Oh, I got four appointments and I got three clients or two clients or one client, and that’s just completely backwards thinking.
Greg Moody (00:53:00):
The other thing I was going to say is right now, some of you guys might still have some restrictions. You can do this, or maybe you just don’t want to do it by driving around, or maybe you want to expand your market out of state. You can do all this virtually. And people are much more used to this nowadays than they used to be. So all the client events and appreciation, some of that can be done virtually depending on the way you format it and have massive success, sometimes even better than what you’d have in person.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:53:27):
Yeah. Well, and then the other thing we are finding though, is that advisors who have gone back to live events, well, it seems typical is he has a dinner meeting or a lunch meeting at Chris Ruth and you bribe everybody with [inaudible 00:53:44]. Well, I would much rather bring everybody in because they’re truly interested in the subject matter. And not bribe them with something unrelated. If you’re going to bribe them, bribe them with your book. You get to come in for a free meeting or even to have a seat reservation free and they get your book and they get a package of training materials. But what happens many times, and that’s, again, where biggest mess is you bring people in and really don’t have much interest in the subject matter because you’re bribing them with something that’s completely unrelated. And then you are, what a bunch of people call plate lickers. They’re upset that they get plate lickers.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:54:19):
Well, you get plate lickers, because you’re bribing them with a [inaudible 00:54:22] rather than bribing them with valuable content information and support. Hey, Marco, you had a question?
Marco (00:54:27):
Yeah. I was going to say a lot of education, for me, by having educational meetings. I invite people to learn about this or learn about that. Let’s learn about your benefits about Medicare, let’s learn about your benefits regarding this IRA that you just went ahead and got from us. And the more you educate those people, the more they’re going to be wanting to come over, because they do want to be educated. Yeah, if you throw a little snack here, a little plate lunch there, that goes above and beyond, but all of this works and if they bring a guest with them, [inaudible 00:54:59] right there.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:54:59):
Yeah. That’s exactly right. That’s exactly right. And you keep rotating topics. Right?
Marco (00:55:04):
Yes, sir.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:55:06):
And the thing is, to go back to that for a second is, I keep working with business owners of all types, but specifically with financial advisors who they think that their clients are going to go pitch their services to their buddies. Well, I got to tell you, we work with some people who have big staffs, and in almost all cases that we put their staff on the spot and say, let’s hear your elevator pitch for why somebody should come in and use your services, their staffer is horrible. And [inaudible 00:55:39] called stadium pitch.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:55:41):
Most of your employees can’t pitch a cold prospect. If you send them in to Starbucks and say, tell friends or associates or strangers what’s useful about our practice, your clients are horrible at it. And in fact, if you’re not careful, what they do is they unsell your service by hitting all the wrong topics. But they are great at inviting a friend to go to, Oprah did a tour last year pre-COVID, invite their friend to go see Oprah at the, here was the Pepsi center. They are great at invite their friend to go out and meet them at a wine bar, at Starbucks, they invite them to go to a little meeting with a political figure, to an educational meeting, one thing or another, that’s something that’s very easy for them.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:56:30):
So you’re exactly right is, rather than try to get your clients to help your business, that’s going the wrong direction, providing value to your clients and letting them provide that value to their friends. One, it’s easy for them. Two, you give them pass along tools to help them make it even easier. And by the way, here’s a report about it, here’s the guy’s book. He gave me a free copy that I can pass along to you. So all of those things really dramatically ramp it up.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:57:00):
Marco, where are you living? Where are you at?
Marco (00:57:03):
I am down in Harlingen, Texas. So your picture of the state of Texas, I’m in the bottom tip.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:57:09):
Yeah. Way down.
Marco (00:57:10):
And when you have those events, at least what I’ve done, I usually have like a sign-in roster and strictly on a volunteer basis. So they don’t think that they have to, it’s on a volunteer basis. Some of them do it when they walk in, some of them do it when they walk out after what they’ve heard. And you are right, you changed the subject matter. Today we’re going to talk about retirement, today we’re going to talk about IRA, tomorrow we’re going to talk about something else, Medicare and people will come.
Greg Moody (00:57:42):
Is there a reason for them to fill out the information when they come in?
Marco (00:57:46):
That’s just their name. And they’re giving us, like Mr. Oliver said earlier, permission for us to give them a call back later.
Greg Moody (00:57:53):
Well, so the way to change that would be, they’d fill out their name, phone number, email address, and give them information and just hand that to them. And then there’s a reason like you’re going to send them something. You’re going to send them [inaudible 00:58:04].
Marco (00:58:06):
This way, or the way I do it is very informal. And they are showing interest after I give them a call, at that point, I’ll go ahead and send them something else where they can go ahead and I’ll do like a client analysis, client needs analysis at that point depending on what their needs are at that point. That’s how I’m going to pursue that particular lead.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:58:24):
Sure, sure. And you can plus that system up quite a bit, both by getting more effective at, as Greg was alluding to, if you had the book or if you had the report, or if you had the package of information that you’re going to provide, if everybody can fill it out, we’ve got this box of information we want to provide everybody free of charge, but here’s a form to fill out.
Marco (00:58:46):
I just asked Ms. Mindi for it and she said she’s going to provide it, but I’ve been doing my own and it’s worked so far, but I’m sure something professionally built will probably work a lot better.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:58:54):
Yeah, absolutely. A lot of times, Greg will tell you, we work with advisors all the time and they say, well, I’m already doing a lot of this stuff you’re telling me to do. It’s like, well, okay, but how many people are in the room? How many of them do you actually get contact information with? How many of them do you actually get an appointment? And there’s almost always five more things they could have done to plus up the number of people in the room. And there’s three or four things, oftentimes a critical piece that’s missing to convert those people, again, without irritating their friends, without irritating them, very happily to convert them into appointments that are likely to show up.
STEPHEN OLIVER (00:59:33):
And as we know, and that article addressed it, the one I showed in the Wall Street Journal. I recommend taking that up or I think I posted it on our Facebook page. But as it points out, more and more, if your contact record isn’t in their phone, people don’t answer the phone for an unrecognized number. So just because they gave you a phone number, doesn’t mean that they’re going to answer it. The answer rate has become very low. So one of the things we always try to do in first contact always is get our contact record in their phone. So in a live meeting, it could be, everybody give me your cell phone number. I’m going to text you our contact information right now. Here’s how you put it into your phone. Now, all of a sudden you’re in there. On an online lead that comes in, we’ll have automated texts that goes and says, by the way, here’s our contact information, add this to your contacts. We’ll email it out automatically as well.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:00:30):
Another thing that I see happens a lot of times is just, so much manual labor without having automated systems behind it to support. So anybody who contacts us, you can see all the steps if you go to Advisor Wealth Mastery. Anybody who opts in will get an immediate text, email, and outbound voicemail directly to their voicemail. Whoever’s supposed to be making the outbound call, they’ll get a text on their cell phone with a live number and details to make an outbound call. And then that’ll be put into what would be called a sequential autoresponder sequence, where they’re getting email, which is the least valuable, text messages and direct mail, as well as then going into a retargeting sequence where they’re getting followed on Facebook and followed on Google and all of their related properties.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:01:24):
So if you think about those followup systems, it’s continuing to follow up on somebody who’s shown an interest, whether that’s from a pay-per-click ad or from a referral, but in ways that’s continuing to add value. Sending them additional content, sending them additional material, sending them, nowadays we’re building a lot of testimonial content since that’s now coming along to be allowed. So building all that information as well. Marco, anything to add to that? That was a good feedback.
Marco (01:01:58):
Greg Moody (01:01:59):
No, okay.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:02:00):
Okay. On that note, Mindi, your phone number is 303-808-8719. And I held it up a minute ago, but we’d like to send everybody at the very least this box of information which includes three free books and a bunch of free videos some other valuable material. And it also two pretty good reports. One of them is 10 things you must do to thrive as a financial advisor, and turn a financial advisors, social media checklist. And again, my admonition would be, number one, look around at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite. Number two is take advice and take a vision from people who haven’t been stuck in the industry for years and have a narrow tunnel vision of what’s possible. And the last thing is that Earl Nightingale quote, I have it here on my screen. I never got around to sharing that one.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:03:00):
Hey, you got to give me kudos, Greg. I’ve done a pretty good job of screen sharing so far.
Greg Moody (01:03:05):
We’re working moving you forward. That’s pretty good.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:03:08):
Yeah. Pretty good job. There we go. There’s the Earl Nightingale quote, “If you don’t have a good model for success, just look at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite.” I think that so much applies to this industry is, I’ve been not too charitable about describing using a term I stole from Steve Job’s Bozo Explosion. There’s absolutely a Bozo Explosion of consultants in every industry. And probably more so in this one then than in most. And most of it is one of two things, it’s a one trick pony. Somebody happens to be good at Facebook or happens to be good to LinkedIn or happens to be good at email marketing or something.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:03:51):
And there is the old adage, if your only tool’s a hammer, everything looks like and every problem looks like a nail, or it’s the somebody who’s been in the business for a while, they’ve had a little bit of success, and oftentimes that success is personality based. It’s not systems based, but then they try to teach you what they’ve done. And that’s not very productive either. I think the best possible thing you can do is get somebody who has a perspective of all kinds of marketing systems that work across industries. And we’re very aware of and concerned about and focused on compliance, but there’s way more things that you can do regardless of what organization you’re affiliated with and what your situation is than you think there are, and there’s way more things that you should be doing. I’m sure then you are, and a lot of them that could use quite a bit of additional development.
Greg Moody (01:04:45):
Yeah, exactly. A lot of people are afraid of doing stuff because they’re gun shy about compliance. And what we want to do is help you make sure that you’re comfortable with everything that you’re doing, but as well, make a massive difference usually in your results.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:05:00):
Exactly. Well, on that note, Mindi, anything to add to this before we call it a day?
Mindi Godfrey (01:05:06):
No, I think we’re in good shape.
Greg Moody (01:05:08):
Yeah. Make sure you call Mindi though, 303-808-80719. That was 303 at the beginning if I stuttered on that, 808-8719. So we can send you the stuff and make sure you have everything. Just that social media checklist will make a massive difference today as soon as you get that in the mail.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:05:29):
Yeah. And certainly one of the things that we’re experts at that’s coming down the pipeline is getting good at testimonial content and referrals and networking based on that. It’s not there yet, and I think everybody in the industry is a little scared about that becoming a new rule that’s a useful, but we’re right on top of that in a number of other things as well.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:05:53):
Marco, thank you for your contribution. That was wonderful from the hot end of Texas. I’ve been in Texas a lot recently, but I haven’t been down that far south. I’ve had to be in and out of the Dallas for birthday parties and funerals. I’m trying to make it for more birthday parties and fewer funerals.
Marco (01:06:12):
Well, we’re eight hours south of Dalla.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:06:14):
Yeah. I have a lot of friends in Dallas and Houston. Chuck Norris is a friend of mine and all of the martial arts guys associated with [MRR 01:06:24], all of my old friends. So I was just at two funerals, which, and with mutual friends and then a birthday party with a mutual friend and made a commitment to go to more birthday parties and fewer funerals.
Marco (01:06:41):
Thank you very much for allowing me to be here with you all today.
STEPHEN OLIVER (01:06:43):
Absolutely. Thank you for your contribution, and thanks to everybody else. And any questions you have, we’re happy to answer anything at all. Give Mindi a call, 303-808-8719 and we’ll go through all that. Thank you.