business owner.

Goal Setting for Your Practice
Everyone wants to have a successful practice. The issue arises when you ask someone what they mean when they say “successful”. The…

Hack Away the Unessential.
Hone in to the essence of what you do Just a short note today. Trying to take most of the week…

The Skill of Scanning
The first ‘secret’ of the skill of scanning is that it’s unnecessary to read, study, understand, and master every topic. Instead, find…

Your Biggest Challenges?
As I’ve reiterated before, while talking with many business owners and dedicated many painstakingly long hours of research and interviews, I’ve found…

Found Money
“Found Money” I’ve always found it entertaining the things that people will say about you when you’re not listening. Recently I had…

New Year: Same but Different
We all know about setting New Year’s Resolutions. It’s obvious how those resolutions work out for most. In more normal times all…

When You Lose Your Mind
How Would You Know If You “Lost Your Mind?” Last week wasn’t the best week. I returned from an annual business retreat…